General Contract Law

The attorneys of NOVE have participated in the legislative drafting of general commercial and contract law and public commercial law for several years, while also remaining active in drafting contracts and advising companies in practice. In addition, several attorneys and legal counsels of NOVE teach contract law at Tartu University. Accordingly, NOVE has combined extensive academic knowledge of general law of obligations and contract law with several years of practical experience in contract drafting and resolving of disputes arising of performance of contracts. Our strengths include our ability to create legal structures in situations where they have not been created before and we have developed this ability through our experience acquired in carrying out versatile and complex projects. However, we also understand that not every contract needs to be a legal masterpiece and the legal resources used for contract drafting must correspond to the value and potential risks of the contract. 

In general commercial and contract law, we assist our clients in:

  • Preparation of all contracts needed for economic activities:
    • Sale and service agreements, including procurement, supply and resale agreements 
    • Contracts of use, including lease contracts and commercial lease contracts 
    • Contracts or carriage and transport agreements 
    • Agency, brokerage, distribution and other intermediation contracts 
    • Consortium agreements, contracts of partnership
    • Franchise agreements
    • Contracts for services and sub-contracts 
    • Authorisation agreements 
    • Contracts on creation and use of intellectual property, e.g. software development and licensing agreements and other IT and technology agreements 
    • Consumer contracts and standard terms 
    • International trade agreements
    • Preparation of documents related to personal data 
    • Compliance with obligations to provide product-specific information 
    • Compliance with trade regulations and consumer protection laws 
    • Resolving issues related to producer’s liability 
    • Applying for activity licences etc.

Contract law team:

Laura Raadik (team leader and contact person)
Arsi Pavelts
Indrek Niklus
Mari Past
Marika Mugur
Kristiina Koll
Madis Abel
Liis Kikas

Our portfolio includes:

  • Advising Baltic Agro in relation to the legal regulation of transport service. Drafting of carriage and storage contracts 
  • Drafting contracts for sale of heat and subscription contracts for Danpower Eesti AS 
  • Advising the crowdfunding company Funderbeam in formation of new business structures and drafting of required contracts
  • Advising Tallinn University of Technology in the preparation of The Once-only Principle Project (TOOP), H2020, carried out from 2017 to 2019, and ongoing consultation related therewith (this assignment comprised preparation of a complicated consortium agreement for an international project and other required contracts)
  • Advising the cyber security company Cybexer in connection with drafting of contracts required for their business activities, including formation of a consortium needed for participation in public procurement