Medical Law

Provision of health services and sale of medicinal products are highly regulated areas. NOVE’s medical law team has advised both inpatient and outpatient health care providers of various sizes, as well as international pharmaceutical groups, sellers of medical equipment, persons conducting clinical trials and umbrella organisations of the medical sector. Mari Past is specialised in the activities of health care undertakings in complex legal environment. Maret Kruus has participated in the resolution of most important disputes related to errors in treatment in recent years. 

In relation to medical law, we assist our clients in the following areas:

  • Requirements for health care providers 
  • Liability of health care institutions and health care professionals, errors in treatment 
  • Record-keeping obligations
  • Restrictions on the advertising of health services 
  • Contracts with suppliers and cooperation partners
  • Requirements for the manufacturing, retail and wholesale of medicinal products and restrictions on activities 
  • Protection of health data 
  • Anti-corruption rules in medicine 
  • Medical law training (liability of health care institutions and health care professionals, errors in treatment, record-keeping obligations, anti-corruption activities)

Medical law team:

Mari Past (team leader and contact person)

Our portfolio includes: 

  • Advising the University of Tartu on the use of the Estonian Biobank, a database of genetic and health data of more than 200 000 people in Estonia, in research aimed at medical innovation
  • Advising Medicum, the largest group of private health care undertakings in Estonia, in relation to health law
  • Advising SA Haapsalu Neuroloogiline Rehabilitatsioonikeskus, the largest rehabilitation hospital in Estonia, in relation to health law  
  • Advising Tartu University Hospital in relation to health law  
  • Advising the Estonian Diabetes Centre, a private clinic specialising in treatment in the field of endocrinology, in relation to health law  
  • Advising the Fetal Ultrasound Screening Centre, the private clinic of Dr Marek Šois, in relation to health law  
  • Advising Medemis, a beauty clinic with long-term experience, in relation to health law and data protection law 
  • Training for health care undertakings and associations of health care professionals 
  • Advising health care undertakings in relation to processing of health data 
  • Counselling of a health care provider in relation to a health care agreement