Relations with State, Policy Development, Research

Several attorneys of NOVE have previously worked in the public sector for years and have therefore unique knowledge and experience in the area of governance and policy development. This experience is at the disposal of our clients and has helped us assist several companies in communicating with the state and solving problems deriving from regulation. We also actively advise various state authorities, assisting them in solving tasks related to policy development and legislative drafting. Our administrative law and administrative procedure specialists have advised several state authorities in implementation of various projects and in several significant disputes. NOVE is a law office with probably the most extensive experience in national as well as EU legislative drafting.

The attorneys of NOVE have participated in the drafting of the following Acts:

  • Law of Obligations Act and several amendments thereto 
  • Law of Property Act and several amendments thereto
  • Commercial Code and several amendments thereto
  • Private International Law Act
  • Estonian Central Register of Securities Act 
  • Land Register Act
  • Law of Succession Act
  • Code of Civil Procedure
  • Code of Enforcement Procedure
  • Bankruptcy Act
  • Reorganisation Act
  • Employment Contracts Act
  • Conciliation Act
  • Family Law Act
  • Civil Service Act
  • Political Parties Act
  • Estonian Public Broadcasting Act
  • Personal Data Protection Act
  • Public Procurement Act
  • Environmental Code
  • General Part of the Economic Activities Code Act 
  • Building Code and Planning Act 
  • Insurance Activities Act

In the area of relations with the state, policy development and research, we assist our client in:

  • Representing their interests in connection with drafts of legislation undergoing proceedings by various Estonian and EU authorities and political institutions (ministries, the Riigikogu
  • Preparing drafts of legislation and explanatory memoranda 
  • Preparing legal analysis required for legal policy development or organisation of management of authorities, including by engagement of necessary financial, economic and management experts 

Relations with state, policy development and research team:

Veiko Vaske (team leader and contact person)
Indrek Niklus
Veikko Puolakainen
Heili Püümann
Sten Tikerpe
Kristiina Koll
Mart Parind
Andra Olm

Our portfolio includes:

  • Preparation of legal analysis of procurement and contracts of Rail Baltic project for the National Audit Office
  • Preparation of the Analysis on Risk Assessment and Prevention Measures Related to Probation Supervision for Tallinna Vangla
  • Preparation of the analysis and concept of the working group formed by the Ministry of Justice for review of company law 
  • Preparation of the Legal Analysis of Stock for the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Defence 
  • Preparation of the analysis Public Property in Crises for the Ministry of Finance 
  • Preparation of the Study of Charting Corruption Risks in Area of the Environment and Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in cooperation with the Estonian Centre for Applied Research Centre for the Ministry of the Environment 
  • Preparation of the analysis Promotion of Social Value through Public Procurement in cooperation with the Estonian Centre for Applied Research Centre for the Government Office 
  • Preparation of the Analysis of Legal Regulation of Immovables on Shore for the Land Board 
  • Preparation of the study Regulation of Transboundary Movement of Companies in the European Union for the Ministry of Justice and Government Office 
  • Participating as a consultant in the assessment and analysis of the Company Code of the Republic of Kosovo at the invitation of Chemonics International and Crimson Capital Corp. and Policy and Management Consulting Group within the framework of USAID Partnerships for Development Programme