Mart Parind
Legal Counsel, Attorney
Head of Public Procurement and Sports Law
+372 610 8018
+372 5620 3289
European Law
Public Procurement
Dispute Resolution
Relations with State, Policy Development, Research
Intellectual Property
Sports Law
Attorney Mart Parind advises and represents clients mainly in public procurement cases and in various public law disputes, especially in constitutional and European cases. In addition, Mart advises clients engaged in the field of sports on various legal matters
Mart is one of Estonia’s leading experts in public procurement law. Before joining NOVE, Mart worked as a member of the Public Procurement Review Committee, administering justice in the first instance in hundreds of public procurement disputes. Before taking up membership in the Public Procurement Review Committee, Mart has been a lawyer and attorney focusing on public procurements, and has taught public procurement law at Tallinn University, so he has gathered a unique set of knowledge and experience in this field in Estonia. Under his co-authorship, the core work of Estonian public procurement law has been published: the commented edition of the Public Procurement Act (Juura 2019).
Mart has in-depth expertise in legal matters concerning the European Union and is the Head of European Law at NOVE. He has published a comprehensive collection of works on European Union law – “Euroopa Liidu õigus. Eesti vaade” (UKU 2022), the first Estonian-language written work of the kind.
Combining his passion for law with his second passion – sports – Mart is very much interested in the legal issues concerning the activities of athletes and sports organisations and is leading the field of sports law at NOVE. Mart also hosts a podcast, Tippvorm, a series of sports-themed interviews.
Mart has extensive experience in judicial proceedings and other dispute resolution procedures. As an attorney, Mart has represented clients in various civil and administrative matters, from media disputes related to defamation to complex wind power disputes. As a former member of the Public Procurement Review Committee, Mart has excellent knowledge and practical experience in administrative court procedure.
Mart’s previous work and study experience are good prerequisites for him to be of service to NOVE’s clients in intellectual property matters as well. As a lawyer and attorney, Mart has advised various domestic and foreign clients on issues relating to legal protection of trademarks and has helped set up successful strategies in trademark disputes. Mart has also been involved in the drafting of numerous author’s contracts. Mart leads the field of intellectual property at NOVE.
Mart is a valued and frequent speaker at training sessions, seminars and conferences, sharing his knowledge, experience and ideas on a broad selection of legal topics.
Work experience
2023–... | Law office NOVE, Attorney |
2022 | Law office NOVE, Legal Counsel |
2022–... | Tallinn University, Lecturer of public procurement law |
2017–2022 | Official representative of Estonia in European Commission Expert Group "Network of First Instance Review Bodies on Public Procurement” |
2017–2022 | Member of the Estonian Public Procurement Review Committee |
2016–2017 | Law office Jesse & Kalaus, Lawyer, Attorney |
2014–2016 | Law office COBALT, Lawyer |
2014–2016 | Tallinn University, Law, MA (cum laude) |
2011–2014 | Tallinn University, Law, BA (cum laude) |
Estonian Bar Association |
- Daily counseling of a club belonging to the Estonian Basketball Championship (relations with the governing body of that sport and local government, drafting contracts related to sports activities) and representation in disputes with a competing club both out of court and in the honorary court of the governing body (2024)
- Representation of Handball Club Tallinn in two disciplinary disputes in the Estonian Handball Association’s court of arbitration (2024)
- Advising and representing an Estonian Olympic athlete in the negotiation of a financial support agreement with the governing body of that sport (2024)
- Successful representation of the Olympic athlete Karl Robert Saluri in two court instances in a debt dispute arising from the coach-athlete relationship with a Chinese athlete formerly trained by the client (2022–2024)
Scientific publications
- Parind, M. Euroopa Liidu õigus. Eesti vaade. UKU 2022
- Parind, M. Acte clair’i doktriin: kas ka ise clair? Juridica 2021, No 10, pp 746-755
- Simovart, M. A., Parind, M (koost). Riigihangete seadus. Kommenteeritud väljaanne. Juura 2019
- Mart Parind osales uue innovatsioonihangete käsiraamatu koostamisel, 15.05.2024
- Parind, M. KOMMENTAAR | Sportlane ametniku meelevallas – vehklemisliit koperdab juhtimisvigadest õiguslike eksimusteni. Delfi Sport, 26.04.2024
- Parind, M., Kama, P. Riigihangetel käib mäng suitsu ja peeglitega. Postimees, 09.04.2024
- Parind, M. KOMMENTAAR | Kullamäe trahv – küsitavusi rohkem kui 1000 euro eest. Delfi Sport, 26.02.2024
- Parind, M., Kama, P. Mart Parind ja Põim Kama: seadus- ja haldusprügi vajab koristamist. ERR, 16.02.2024
- Parind, M. ARVAMUS | Nabi dopinguasi võib saada spordiõiguse pretsedendiks. Delfi Sport, 08.01.2024
- Mart Parind kommenteeris Delfile Euroopa Kohtu ajaloolisi otsuseid spordiõiguse alal, 22.12.2023
- Mart Parind ja Põim Kama: edukas rohepööre eeldab sõnumi- ja õigusselgust, 04.12.2023
- Mart Parind: Eesti dilemma Euroopa Liidu aluslepetega, 27.10.2023
- NOVE Riigihangete Konverentsil 2023: Vaidlustusmenetlus – kas saame õiglust ja tõhusat kaitset? 19.10.2023
- Mart Parind: euroraha tagasinõuded riigihangetes – põhiseaduslikult küsitav vennatapp, 23.05.2023
- Mart Parind selgitas Äripäeva suures loos hankeraha tagasinõuete juriidilisi probleeme, 18.05.2023
- Mart Parind koolitas Eesti prokuröre riigihangete alal, 11.04.2023
- NOVE riigihanketiim koolitas Eesti Energia kontserni hankespetsialiste, 13.12.2022
- Mart Parind ⟩ Google’i otsingumootorit saab kohtus võita. Postimees, 13.12.2022
- Parind, M. Euroopa õiguse ekspert: Eesti rikub kasusaajate andmeid avalikustades seadust. Postimees, 05.12.2022
- Mart Parind: EL-i kodurahu häirivad ka omaenda “pahad poisid”. ERR, 29.09.2022
- Mart Parind: Brexit tähendab Brexitit. Kõigile. Ka juriidiliselt. Äripäev, 28.06.2022
- Parind, M. Spordivõistluste tulemusi enam kohtus vaidlustada ei saa. Postimees, 13.06.2022
- Parind, M. 5 riigihangete seaduse muudatust, mida peaks teadma iga hankija. 25.05.2022
- Parind, M. Hankedokumentide vaidlustamisel hakkab kell kiiremini tiksuma. Eesti Päevaleht, 05.06.2016
- Parind, M. IT-hankeplaani vastuolu. Äripäev, 05.05.2016
- Parind, M. Kuidas muutub Euroopa Liidus kasutatav kaubamärk? Äripäev, 08.02.2016
- Parind, M. EIKi otsus ei tähenda, et netikommentaariumide pidajaid ei saa vastutusele võtta. Postimees, 04.02.2016
- Parind, M., Tedder, L. Kellel lasub maakleritasu maksmise kohustus?, 02.10.2014
- Parind, M. Kaubamärki kaitsku ka väike- või alustav ettevõtja. Äripäev, 05.08.2013
Estonian, English, German