European Law

The decades of ever deepening cooperation have made the legal relations between European countries increasingly more interlinked and complex. Thus, the Estonian legal space is full of European regulations, especially those of the European Union, which probably no Estonian entrepreneur or institution can escape. At that, European legislation is often long, complex and difficult to understand without any specific knowledge of the relevant judicial practice, which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to sail European legal waters without guidance and advice from an expert. The team at NOVE have expert knowledge and outstanding experience to help clients at the highest level in all matters related to European law. The NOVE European law team is led by the expert of the field Mart Parind, the author of a collection of works unique in the Estonian language, explaining and analysing European Union law, which has found its way to the desks of many Estonian legal advisers and judges.

The team at NOVE helps clients in a wide range of issues related to European law, including:

  • Advising and representing in interaction with various European institutions and bodies, including everyday business contacts, grant applications, statements of claim, etc
  • Forming a legal position and setting up a dispute strategy in disputes with European authorities
  • Representing at European judicial institutions, including the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights
  • Advising on the substantiation and interpretation of European Union legislation
  • Advising on the transposition of European Union law into the national law, including mapping the necessary activities and preparing the necessary drafts
  • Training courses on European Union law, the European Convention on Human Rights and other European instruments

European Law team:

Mart Parind (team leader and contact person)
Veiko Vaske
Kristiina Koll
Andra Olm