IT and Cybersecurity

In the field of IT and cybersecurity at NOVE, we offer our clients advice and support on legal issues related to technological solutions, including software development, telecommunications and information security. We also provide comprehensive legal assistance to both the public sector and market participants in the state IT matters, including in the fields of cybersecurity, IT public procurements, e-identification and trust services, and representation of interests in technology legislation.

With regard to IT and cybersecurity, we offer our clients assistance in the following areas:

  • Protection of intellectual property
  • Drafting and review of contracts for IT services
  • Drafting and negotiating agile development agreements
  • Availability and use of open data
  • Drafting and compatibility of license terms
  • Interfacing with the state information system and data exchange layer (x-road)
  • E-residency procedure and e-resident’s economic activity
  • Advising on cybersecurity requirements, organising relevant trainings and preparation of information security risk analyses
  • Requirements for communications networks and services
  • Requirements for e-identification and trust services
  • Preparation of sectoral legal analyses
  • Representing the interests of the technology sector at all stages of policy-making and legislative drafting
  • Advising contracting authorities and tenderers on public procurements of IT services, equipment and developments

IT and Cybersecurity team

Sten Tikerpe (team leader and contact person)
Veiko Vaske
Veikko Puolakainen
Madis Abel

Our portfolio includes:

  • NOVE conducted complex legal analysis of IT and cybersecurity sector commissioned by the Estonian Information and Communication Technology Centre
  • Leading the legal working group set up for the establishment of the State Information and Communications Technology Centre
  • Preparation of procurement documentation for the public procurement “Legal Analysis of the Common Platform for Procurement of IT Services for the Public Sector”
  • Preparation of procurement documentation for the public procurement “Analysis for Ensuring Access to the Estonian Public Sector E-Services through Secure Digital Communication for Persons Having an Electronic Authentication Device in the European Union”
  • Preparation of procurement documentation for the public procurement “Analysis of the Judicial Area Related to the Provision and Use of the State Private Cloud Service, Potential Bottlenecks and Solution Proposals”
  • Preparation of a legal analysis of the lawfulness and conditions of cloud computing for public sector information
  • Participation in the drafting of the Public Information Act, transposing the Directive on the requirements for accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies, and in the preparation of the draft regulation of the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology detailing such requirements
  • Development of a draft regulation of the Government of the Republic on the automatic forwarding of e-mails during the COVID-19 crisis
  • Participation in the drafting of legislation transposing the Directive on open data and the re-use of public sector information (Open Data Directive)
  • Drafting of the Identity Documents Act, the Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions Act and the State Fees Act regulating the evaluation of the assurance level of private means of electronic identification
  • Preparation of a draft law amending the State Assets Act, establishing the concept of state software and the principles for its distribution to the public
  • Participation in the working group on the transposition of the Directive on security of networks and information systems (NIS Directive) in the framework of drafting the Cybersecurity Act
  • Participation in the preparation of the digital society development plan “Estonian Digital Society 2030”.
  • Organising training on technology-neutral legislation in the framework of the 2019 legislators’ conference “Legislation of the Future”
  • Representation of the Estonian Internet Foundation in two large-scale disputes arising from the agile software development agreement in all court instances (from 2016 to 2020)
  • Advising Filter AS on concluding and performance of an agile software development agreement with a leading software company (2020)
  • Representation of Industry62 OÜ in the review proceedings and supervision proceedings in connection with the public procurement “Analysis of the Information Systems of the Transport Board, Programming and Maintenance Service” (2021)
  • Representation of Bytelife Solutions OÜ in the review proceedings in connection with the public procurement “Complete Solution of Hyper-converged Infrastructure for Eesti Energia” (2021)
  • Representation of Bytelife Solutions OÜ and CybExer Technologies OÜ and Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o. in the review proceedings and in court in connection with the public procurement of the Ministry of Defence “NATO Cyber Range WP2 Automated Management System” (from 2019 to 2020)
  • Preparation of terms and conditions of sale for the e-store of Esvika Elekter AS