NOVE lawyers participated in preparation of the Commentary on Code of Civil Procedure

On 12 July 2017, the first part of the Commented edition of the Code of Civil Procedure was published.

The best lawyers in the field of civil procedural law in Estonia – judges, attorneys, professors of the School of Law of University of Tartu, authors of the code and its amendments – were involved in the first ever publishing of the comprehensive piece. In addition to the notable and highly recognised colleagues, many young lawyers with strong perspectives also helped to contribute the annotations. This way the project supports the preparation of the next generation of lawyers.

Preparing the Commentaries of the Code of Civil Procedure is an ambitious project which involves, in addition to the Code of Civil Procedure, also its connections to other legislation, the EU legislation regarding civil procedures and their relations to the Estonian laws. It is a remarkably vast amount of material which is divided into three separate books, from which the first (more than 1,600 pages) covers the general matters of the procedure, jurisdiction, price, procedure expenses, parties to the procedure and their representatives and evidence.

The authors of the book include NOVE partner Urmas Volens who is also the Associate Professor of Civil Processes in the School of Law of University of Tartu and NOVE lawyer Heili Püümann, who performs study tasks as a seminar supervisor teaching civil procedural right. Urmas Volens participated (along with Mati Maksing) in preparing the commentaries for the sections on division of procedure expenses (chapter 18, division 4, sections 162-172), determining the procedure expenses (along with Stella Johanson; chapter 18, division 5, sections 173-174, 176-179) and the section on provisional hearing (along with Gea Lepik; chapter 26, sections 244-250). Urmas Volens and Heili Püümann collaborated on preparing the commentaries on security (chapter 19, sections 194-197) and provisions regarding third persons (chapter 22, sections 212-216).